The story of Italian Para-Karateka Mattia Allesina (K22) speaks to the worth of letting into the world of karate. Originally a textile worker, he started practicing karate 15 years ago when a friend invited him to the gym and today he holds a black belt and is the current European champion in the category of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
„What I love most about karate is its encouraging nature. Everyone is welcome, respected, and supported by the group, and that truly means a lot to me.“
The current European champion in the category says that preparations for defense of his title are going excellent, with the final phase underway. The goal is of course another gold medal.
„I don’t have any particular strategy. Whatever I achieve in Zadar, whether positive or negative, will be the result of hard work, but of course, I will defend the title. I will give it my all to retain the championship.“
He highlights focus as his strongest asset, but also believes that nothing is impossible.
„Before stepping onto tatami, I put on a “mask” and think of nothing but kata. I am completely focused on execution, forgetting the rest of the world. For society and for science, I am a “person with special needs.” With the support and love of our loved ones, the entire Italian team, but most of all, with determination and hard work, we can achieve anything we desire. I want people to understand that karate can break down barriers and is open to everyone.“
Mattia has already won two world silver medals, but says he doesn’t want to stop there; he wants to become a world champion.